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ASUS ZenPad 10 Z300CNL 16GB 透過精細工藝打造出兼具功能及時尚的外觀設計,以鑽石切割工法,精密髮絲紋路,厚實的皮質觸感配上拋光金屬邊框,創造絕佳的產品體驗;搭載 10 吋 WXGA IPS 螢幕,透過 ASUS Tru2Life、ASUS TruVivid 影像技術,

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The application had huge interest when it was first released, but due to a cease and desist order from Apple, the author has had to stop development. To add icons, drag and drop a file (.exe, short...

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  • ASUS ZenPad 10 Z300CNL 16GB 透過精細工藝打造出兼具功能及時尚的外觀設計,以鑽石切割工法,精密髮絲紋路,厚實的皮質觸感配上拋光金屬邊框,創造絕佳的產品體驗...
    ASUS ZenPad 10 Z300CNL 16GB 價格,規格與評價- SOGI手機王
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    ASUS ZenPad 10 Z300CNL 的價格 - 飛比價格
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  • ASUS ZenPad 10 Z300CNL (LTE/16G) 玫瑰金,9-10吋,10.1吋(1280x800)觸控螢幕;Intel四核處理器;2GB;RAM/16GB;ROM...
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